...my younger sister. I have sooo much that I want to learn and Kelsi was generous enough to be my model this morning as I played around with new lighting techniques and toys. Grateful to have such a beautiful sister. :)
Isn't he so sweet? This little guy is the new addition to this bunch. You know, with most newborns I can't tell who they look like. But not with this sweet boy. Already can see the resemblance. He fits right in...and that's a good thing! He comes from a family of some of the most adorable kids around!
Isn't this family beautiful?!? Could hardly believe it when I found out there were six kids in this family. Don't these parents look too young for that many? I hope I look that good after six kids...if I ever get that far...the stress is already aging me after one kid. And I'd hope each of the six would turn out just as cute as this bunch! Take a look!
Simpson Family
I was so excited...and I admit, a little intimidated when the talented Amy Hodges contacted me about doing these pictures (you can see her work here). Would she think I was a dork? Or totally unprofessional?
Sometimes I tell people I'm a photographer, but the truth is, the way I view myself is more a girl that has an enormous love for photography. A girl that hasn't had any fancy training- unless you consider you-tube and google searches legit. A girl that stillsees...no craves new ways to improve and learn. A girl that keeps pose ideas on her phone when her brain needs a little creative boost.
But, Amy was wonderful! So nice...so friendly...and so fun to talk photography with! Take a look and see how beautiful she is!
Sometimes I tell people I'm a photographer, but the truth is, the way I view myself is more a girl that has an enormous love for photography. A girl that hasn't had any fancy training- unless you consider you-tube and google searches legit. A girl that still
But, Amy was wonderful! So nice...so friendly...and so fun to talk photography with! Take a look and see how beautiful she is!
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