My parents didn't order football pictures this year, so I took pictures for them. Yes, these are my little brothers. And yes, I'm old enough to be their mom. I wanna take this opportunity to brag on them a bit, as if I were their mom.

I was already graduated and out of the house when these boys were born into our family, so I didn't get to grow up with them as much (unless you count the multiple times where I came home to live temporarily) :)

But even though I didn't "grow" up with them, they each have this special place in my heart.
Royce- always so helpful and courteous. He tries to act tough on the exterior and he could talk your ear off about cows and hunting, but he's got a soft heart that is quick to express his love through small acts of service and kindness.

And then Cody- always a smile in his eyes (in fact, he had a hard time not cracking a smile for our "serious" face pictures). He's fun loving and has a jokester personality. He loves to tease, but he also has a soft heart (especially towards my mom...don't tell him I told you he's secretly a mama's boy).

One Christmas the family got some dance video game. My sister Kelsi was taking her turn at the game while two of my sisters and me sat around watching. We all noticed that the cartoon character in the game wore very immodest clothes and we were all commenting. Then I happened to look over at my two brothers, who had also been taking turns at the game. Both of them were looking at the ground refusing to look at the immodest cartoon girl.  I laughed, but I was also amazed.  You see, these two boys are the last born into a family of six girls. They've been taught young to respect women, that ladies go first and that pornography is wrong. And from a young age, they are striving to do be obedient to what they've been taught.

Tough football players, yes...good boys mingled with mischievousness, day great men...definately.

Football Pics


Okay, I want you to look for something. (I feel like I'm going to tell you to put your nose up to the screen and back away slowly as if a 3D image is going to appear or something...haha!) Ok, is it just me, or do you see a little Jennifer Aniston in some of these pictures? Not every picture, but I swear when I was taking & editing these pics I'd see it. Maybe the eyes??  She does have really pretty eyes.  I don't know. Take a look and see for yourself!

Jordan- Senior Pictures


The whole time I went through editing pictures, I kept thinking, 'this family is adorable!!'  And the little boy, cute!  He was a little slow to warm up to the camera, but do you really need a smile when you have eyes like those?!  I say, no!  In fact, I apologize for having sooo many of the little guy.  He may have been a little reluctant to smile, but he sure knew how to work the camera!  All in all- a family possessing the talent of photogenic-ness (is that a word?).  :)

Kyle, Morgan and Jase


No, they're not engaged.  But don't these pictures look it!  I couldn't get them to stop kissing in these pictures!  Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but hey, I have Wilkins blood in me and Wilkins like to embellish their stories a little...makes things a little more interesting ya know :)  Anyways, here's the pictures Lynnae...finally.  You've been patient with me.  You two make a cute couple.  And Ryan, we sure enjoyed having you out here.  We hope there will be plenty more of that ;)

Lynnae and Ryan

